Friday, July 26, 2013

Oops! I mixed up my dates!

Apparently, I have way too much going on and mixed up the dates for the birthday cake. I thought she needed it on Saturday but she needed it today at 2pm. I feel absolutely horrible so I promised her a free "back to school" cake to share with her friends. For some reason I thought the 26th was a Saturday. I really need to take a break from everything that I am doing, I guess. Summer school gets over on July 31 and I will have a whole 8 days off before school starts!! Rather than building a cake, I just may do some other arts and crafts this weekend.


  1. So what did she end up doing for a cake?? Ooops! I hear you with the stressed out part. At least we will get a little break before the next round of stress starts. ;)

  2. Too much on your plate? Join the club! I feel like I usually keep my head above water but this summer has left me feeling like I'm drowning. I'm sure she will love the back to school cake! Are you finding the blog to be a good outlet for your cake baking?

  3. Kim, she had to get one at the local Albertson's, but her daughter was happy anyway. I told her I would create a cool one for her because she loooooooves my cake!

    Audrey, I am finding that this blog really helps me a lot in the planning stages just by sharing my thoughts. I never thought I would become a blogger, but it is kind of fun.
