Sunday, August 11, 2013

Beetle happenings!

I had a little time on my hands today so I shopped online for Beetle parts. I am so excited! I got a new set of exterior chrome, new sun visors, brake and clutch pedal covers, new buttons that raise the seats, a new hubcap to replace the one that rolled down the road one day, and a new parts catalog is on the way! This bug is going to be the talk of the town! We couldn't paint anymore today with the rain that has been so intermittent. But, I will post more pictures when I can!


  1. Lisa, do you know how to do all this work yourself? I'm so impressed! Thanks for posting about this important project. I think you should make a VW Beetle cake to celebrate!

    1. I think a VW Beetle cake is a great way to celebrate the completion! What a great idea!

    2. I just may have to do that!

  2. I am also impressed that you can do all of this work yourself! You must have loved working with your dad when you were a kid learning how to fix cars. I am excited to see the results! Your students are going to LOVE your car!!
